Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thankful Thurs....I mean Saturday!

I am thankful for many things right now...

1. Our car didn't get damaged in the hail storm this week.
2. I have a very special friend named Jann who makes my life so much happier with her in it.
3. It rained on the way to our farm field trip and on the way back but not while we where there!
4. Working at the same school my kids attend. I love getting morning hugs from Mairzey and all day hugs from Brody.
5. Mindy's weight loss fun...I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Thanks Mindy!
6. Spring and all that it brings.
7. Even though many people tell Mindy she looks like Jenny Mcarthy, which I think is good, they have stopped telling me I look like Tanya Harding, which I think is better. Yep, definitely something to be thankful for.

What are you thankful for?


Kaylynn said...

people thought you looked like Tanya Harding--I'm sorry I don't see the resemblance!

Shelley said...

I love you even more than I did before Kaylynn, and I didn't know that was possible! :)

Robyn said...

These are great! I'll have to post a list this week.

Shalyce Narducci said...

I love your thankful Thursday lists! That means you have to post at least once a week. I am going to copy you this Thursday and all future Thursdays until the end of time.

Anonymous said...

Im thankful for my friend Shelley! And my Hot car! I think the we need to go for a ride! Zoom Zoom! :)