Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. Holidays - Easter was a nice day and great long weekend.
2. Flowers - happy on a stem
3. 14 yr. old son's who will still go to a cheesy movie with all of us. I owe you Jesse!
4. Music - all kinds and at all times.
5. Shakes - love that place! YUM! (when in TX, I will take you there!)
6. Friends - need I say more?
7. Family - they say what needs to be said, and love you in spite of yourself.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Not Surprised!

We got home from church and Brody started digging into his Easter candy. He, of course, was still in his Easter clothes. The next thing I know...the unexpected happened. He bit into the whopper and it knocked his tooth almost out! Blood, chocolate, more chocolate...I was picturing his adorable shirt covered. LUCKILY the tooth and blood had only hit the shirt in a few spots. I will now unveil my new best friend.

Happy Easter All!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. Birthdays...that allow you to laugh and eat fattening foods and not care.
2. Other people's aren't the one getting old.
3. cell phones to keep far away friends close
4. texting, at 1:30am from friends who care
5. "mental health" days off and still getting paid
6. Jesse's fractured wrist is healing well
7. my beautiful wedding ring and all it represents

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Am I dreaming????

Yesterday was Mindy's birthday. Yea! I feel so old because she is what I call "a youngin." Angela and I decided to kidnap her after she put her kids to bed and AFTER she put her pj's on. :) We took a silver crown with us, knocked on the door, and actually got to see her turn she stared and Mr. Mindy who was in on the surprise. We left after 9 and went downtown to a place called Cookie Lounge...aka Heaven. I didn't know such a place existed. For people like me, who LOVE cookies and milk, this is pure bliss! You pick the dough flavor...yes I said flavor. Then you add the mixins...YUM! You pick your cookie size, I recommend Large at least, and then you can order milk...FLAVORED!!! I am not kidding! The only downfall is that you have to wait until they cook your cookie just enough to leave it gooey in the middle and then they bring your glass of milk and warm cookie out to you. WOW! I had no idea it existed...It seriously should be called Cookie Heaven. :)

And BTW, Happy Birthday Mindy!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I've Lost my Marbles!

Conversation that took place between Mrs. N and Chelsea on Friday.

Chelsea: Mrs. N, I want you to have these! (smile)
Mrs. N: Thank you Chelsea! (She puts 2 marbles in my hand)
Are you sure you want me to have these to keep?
Chelsea: Yes! You need them.
Laughing Mrs. N: Do you think I have lost my marbles?
Chelsea: Yes, I do!
Mrs. N: Well thank you, Chelsea. I am so glad you found them.

I will keep them with me in my pocket for quite awhile.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday...short and sweet
