Friday, July 18, 2008

Camping Fun

The boys headed south for Scout Camp last week. Todd was able to go for some of those days and enjoy time with Jesse.

I wasn't sure the whole "basket weaving" was real but here it is! Jesse came home with a couple of baskets that really made Mairzey happy to have.

Making his Mama proud...nice and healthy. 4 Chocolate milks and 2 pieces of cake. YUM!

Todd nearing the top.

Todd and Jesse with all the scouts.

They had a fun time and weren't eaten alive by mosquito's like last year.

I love my boys!


Kristen Crandall said...

MMMMM.... TEXAS!!! Your pictures want to make me move back there right now!!! We really liked the Country of Texas... oh, I mean State. The camp in the pictures looks AWESOME. I am glad you are doing a blog. Did I send you a link to mine?

Janene said...

Oooh, found your blog Shelley! I am linking it to mine now!!! Yeehaw!

Adriane said...

Shelly, I'm so proud of you for going to the blog world! I'm excited to be able to keep in touch with you! I love that you're going off carbs and sugar. Seriously, what a great start. Tom and I just took pictures of ourselves in swimming suits and if we don't lose a set "goal" amount of weight by October 10th we are then going to post the pictures of ourselves in our swimming suits. Talk about motivating. Seriously, no one is going to see this picture! It's worked for me before, and hopefully it will work again. Good luck with your thing! Love ya, ADriane