Thursday, September 4, 2008

Is that what I think it is?

So today we had 5 classes of first graders out at recess. All of the sudden, a skunk comes running around the corner from the front of the school, along the edge of the playground and behind a portable, which had some of our kids on the other side. What would a first grader do if a skunk came racing toward them?

I have a possible idea.

I also know that it is a hilarious site to see 5 teachers running the other way trying to round up 100+ kids in a matter of seconds.

Oh, the joys of teaching.

This was more fun than the bull snake that came up out of the sand on the kindergarten playground in Arizona.


Robyn said...

Too funny! I can only imagine the horror I would feel if I met up with a skunk on my own let alone a bunch of little ones :))

Jessica said...

Hey, Jessica (Nevin) Foit here. That is hilarious. First grade sounds adventurous.

ashley said...

what an adventure... i can on;y imagine what would have happened if the skunk would have gotten some of you and the craziness that would have caused. it makes me giggle just thinking about it.

when can we come visit?!

Shalyce Narducci said...

Update your blog already, it's been like 20 days! Just have the your students paint pictures or read silently so you can have some time to blog.

Kaylynn said...

Hey, I didn't know that you had a blog. It was fun to see the picture of Todd and your kids. We are all doing well in Illinois, and I'm back in school, or did you know that.
