Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day tears

My sweet children were full of love today!  Brody gave me a book of poems he wrote at school.  I began the book with this:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You may get mad
but I won't stop loving you. no tears there. :)  But a few pages later came this poem from my last born, my baby.  OUCH!

I used to sleep in a crib
Now I sleep in a bed

I used to carry Jojo around
Now I put him on the shelf

I used to love doing mama & Brody time
Now I go to school

I used to watch the Backyardigans
Now I watch Avatar the Last Airbender

I used to play with the trains
Now I watch Quincy play with them

I used to listen to you read me picture books
Now I read chapter books

Happy Mother's Day to you all!  Enjoy your babies! They grow up WAY too fast!


Jen West said...

i would cry over that poem, too! love you :)

Jesse & Karen Nevin said...

Pretty deep and way too much truth in those statements about how fast life screams by. That would be an interesting challenge to have others in the family write some statements with the same "I used to..." theme.

Genius said...

Nice thanx for the share

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