Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I am in love...

This is my new love.
We enjoyed our time together today.
In fact, the Brody man said, "It is shiny Mama!" I am not sure which troll took a shower upstairs in my kiddos bathroom but he left a HUGE dirty tub...the kind on TV in the before picture. I would hate to admit this if it weren't for the fact that it was a troll that made the mess, of course.

This stuff is amazing!!! I seriously sprayed and watched it drip off! I did scrub the tub with a brush but nothing like I have always done! My arms aren't sore an ounce!

I finished upstairs and then quickly ran to see what my glass shower would do. Then I ran out of steam. I did spray the door and it is as clear as the day we bought the house!

I LOVE this stuff!

What is your favorite cleaning supply???

Monday, July 5, 2010

Attempt at being a Chef

I think TV makes you think you can do anything. And sometimes you really do make something or do something you couldn't do before. Well...this was NOT tv. I got a recipe, 5 star by over 50 people even, that involved salmon (yum!), honey (another plus), and some cedar planks (completely new to me). I wasn't patient enough to wait for Todd to get home so we could use the grill outside...which I HIGHLY recommend. :)

The picture above resembles what came out of my oven each time I opened it. I had my front and back doors opened, fans going full blast as well as the vent. This was all in addition to my arm flailing in a circle with a dishtowel in hand to steer the smoke away from the smoke detector. Are you picturing it? I did recruit Mairzey for the arm flailing for a little while.

In the attempt at making Rosa's salmon tacos almost hit the mark. Next time, I will make the salmon on the grill, not cook it quite as long, and make my fresh mango salsa instead of buying it. But close made for a yummy meal!

Anyone have tips for using cedar planks with a broiler? Or an exact recipe for Tia Rosa's Salmon Tacos?